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By: Ranalli, George.
Publisher: Berkeley ORO 2009Edition: 1st Ed.Description: 111 Pages.ISBN: 9780981462882.Subject(s): ARCHITECT WORKS (AR-AW)DDC classification: 720.92 Summary: In 2008, renowned New York City-based architect George Ranalli completed a renovation (commissioned by the New York City Housing Authority in Brooklyn) to Brownsville's Saratoga Community Center--adding 3,500 square feet to the existing 1,500 square-foot facility to create a highly functional and re imagined super-block. Ranalli's facades--adorned with geometric wall planes and featuring multiple masonry units and glass-fiber-reinforced-concrete cast details, mahogany doors and windows as well as an exposed steel structure on the roof--provides a series of exquisitely designed public spaces for its diverse local users. In addition to commentary by Michael Sorkin and Ranalli's sketches, drawings and computer images, this volume contains stunning images by New York-based architecture and design photographer Paul Warchol
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 Text Books Text Books School of Architecture
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In 2008, renowned New York City-based architect George Ranalli completed a renovation (commissioned by the New York City Housing Authority in Brooklyn) to Brownsville's Saratoga Community Center--adding 3,500 square feet to the existing 1,500 square-foot facility to create a highly functional and re imagined super-block. Ranalli's facades--adorned with geometric wall planes and featuring multiple masonry units and glass-fiber-reinforced-concrete cast details, mahogany doors and windows as well as an exposed steel structure on the roof--provides a series of exquisitely designed public spaces for its diverse local users. In addition to commentary by Michael Sorkin and Ranalli's sketches, drawings and computer images, this volume contains stunning images by New York-based architecture and design photographer Paul Warchol

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