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Architecture of Hasmukh C. Patel: Selected projects (1963-2003)

By: Desai, Catherine.
Contributor(s): Patel, Bimal.
Publisher: Ahmedabad Mapin Publishing 2017Description: 394 Pages | Binding- Hard Bound |.ISBN: 978-1-935677-65-9.Subject(s): INTRODUCTION | SELECTED PROJECTS | ESSAYS | HOUSE | SCHOOL | OFFICES | ROW HOUSES | APARTMENTS | HOSTELS | EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS | RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS | BANKS | ARCHITECT WORKS (AR-AW)DDC classification: 720.92 Summary: -Almost 300 photographs and drawings -Much of Hasmukh Patel's work is being documented here for the first time Hasmukh C. Patel was at the forefront of Indian architecture, having designed iconic buildings of many types: private bungalows, theaters, speculative office buildings, banks, schools, religious buildings, factories and many others. He invented a contextually relevant, modern architectural idiom suitable for India, and combined this with an intuitive ability to make beautiful spaces. His work has helped define modern architecture in India, and here, for the first time, are reproduced lavish visual aids and extensive original research to understand his work. Preface; Introduction; Row Houses; Apartments buildings; Hostels; Religious Communities; Schools; Institutional; Banks; Offices; Commercial Buildings; Medical Facilities; Theatres; Hotels; Stadiums; Industrial; Appendix; Maps with localization of projects; Biography; Published works and texts; Complete list of works.
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