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Shigeru ban: Architecture of surprise

By: Jodidio, Philip.
Publisher: Hong Kong Taschen 2016Description: 96 Pages | Binding- Hard Bound |.ISBN: 978-3-8365-3692-9.Subject(s): PAPER HOUSE; CURTAIN WALL HOUSE; PAPER LOG HOUSE; PAPER CHURCH; WALL LESS HOUSE; PAPER EMERGENCY SHELTERS FOR THE UNHCR; JAPAN PAVILION; NAKED HOUSE | ARCHITECT WORKS (AR-AW)DDC classification: 720.92 Summary: Master innovator: Challenging accepted notions of architectureFrom emergency relief shelters to a cardboard cathedral and exhibition spaces in shipping containers, Pritzker-prize winning architect Shigeru Ban has made his name with his restlessly inventive response to material and situation, as much as with his humanitarian work at the sites of natural and man-made disasters.In the spirit of a three-dimensional poetry, Ban uses materials as an incorporated part of his design, selected not for their cutting-edge credentials but rather for their expressive ability, their capacity to convey the building s overall concept. In particular, Ban has made regular use of paper tubing in projects as varied as the Japanese Pavilion at Expo 2000 and emergency shelters for Rwanda s Byumba Refugee Camp.This essential introduction, compiled with Ban s own collaboration, presents every one of his projects to date to survey the full reach and importance of, in the words of the Pritzker Prize jury, a committed teacher who is not only a role model for younger generation, but also an inspiration. About the series: Each book in TASCHEN s Basic Architecture series features: an introduction to the life and work of the architect the major works in chronological order information about the clients, architectural preconditions as well as construction problems and resolutions a list of all the selected works and a map indicating the locations of the best and most famous buildings approximately 120 illustrations (photographs, sketches, drafts and plans)"
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 Text Books Text Books School of Architecture
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Reference 720.92 JOD (Browse shelf) Not For Loan A2078
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Browsing School of Architecture Shelves , Shelving location: General Stacks , Collection code: Reference Close shelf browser
720.92 JDS Pixl to xl 720.92 JOD David chipperfield architects: 1985 720.92 JOD Richard meier and partners: White is the light 720.92 JOD Shigeru ban: Architecture of surprise 720.92 JOD Oscar Niemeyer 1907-2012 720.92 JON Gunter Behnisch 720.92 JOY Building stata

Master innovator: Challenging accepted notions of architectureFrom emergency relief shelters to a cardboard cathedral and exhibition spaces in shipping containers, Pritzker-prize winning architect Shigeru Ban has made his name with his restlessly inventive response to material and situation, as much as with his humanitarian work at the sites of natural and man-made disasters.In the spirit of a three-dimensional poetry, Ban uses materials as an incorporated part of his design, selected not for their cutting-edge credentials but rather for their expressive ability, their capacity to convey the building s overall concept. In particular, Ban has made regular use of paper tubing in projects as varied as the Japanese Pavilion at Expo 2000 and emergency shelters for Rwanda s Byumba Refugee Camp.This essential introduction, compiled with Ban s own collaboration, presents every one of his projects to date to survey the full reach and importance of, in the words of the Pritzker Prize jury, a committed teacher who is not only a role model for younger generation, but also an inspiration. About the series: Each book in TASCHEN s Basic Architecture series features: an introduction to the life and work of the architect the major works in chronological order information about the clients, architectural preconditions as well as construction problems and resolutions a list of all the selected works and a map indicating the locations of the best and most famous buildings approximately 120 illustrations (photographs, sketches, drafts and plans)"

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