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Architectural lighting design

By: Steffy, Gary.
Publisher: New Jercy John Wiley & Sons 2008Edition: 3rd Ed.Description: viii, 360 Pages | Binding- Hard Bound |.ISBN: 978-0-470-11249-6.Subject(s): BACKGROUND; THE PROBLEM; PROJECT SCOPE; DESIGN GOALS; CRIEERIA SPATIAL FACTORS, SYSTEM FACTORS; PSYCHOLOGICA; AND PHYSIOLOGICAL FACTORS; TASK FACTORS; DAYLIGHTING; LAMPS; LUMINAIRES; CONTROLS; DESIGN TOOLS; CONSTRUCTION | INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE (AR-IA)DDC classification: 729.28 Summary: Get the definitive, holistic guide to transforming space with light. There are no shortcuts to designing beautiful and effective architectural lighting. Lighting is both an art and a science that impacts occupants′ health and well–being, the Earth′s resources, a project′s cost, and user satisfaction in the built environment. If you are serious about lighting, Architectural Lighting Design, Third Edition is the one source for all the technical skills, aesthetic fundamentals, and practical knowledge you need to design efficient, sustainable interior and exterior lighting for every type of building. p> Expanding on the depth and breadth of previous editions, this edition boasts more than one–quarter new material, including new discussions about sustainability, lighting details, and the assessment of manufacturers′ product data. This richly visual, learning tool and reference ramps up the wattage of its coverage with: More than 220 black–and–white photographs, which expand and improve the visual repertoire. New, in–depth coverage of daylighting, controls, and lamping strategies for more sustainable lighting solutions. An attractive revamped design and content structure for easier access. Guidance on criteria, design concepts, and details. An accompanying Web site featuring additional information and color application photos.
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Get the definitive, holistic guide to transforming space with light.
There are no shortcuts to designing beautiful and effective architectural lighting. Lighting is both an art and a science that impacts occupants′ health and well–being, the Earth′s resources, a project′s cost, and user satisfaction in the built environment. If you are serious about lighting, Architectural Lighting Design, Third Edition is the one source for all the technical skills, aesthetic fundamentals, and practical knowledge you need to design efficient, sustainable interior and exterior lighting for every type of building. p> Expanding on the depth and breadth of previous editions, this edition boasts more than one–quarter new material, including new discussions about sustainability, lighting details, and the assessment of manufacturers′ product data. This richly visual, learning tool and reference ramps up the wattage of its coverage with:

More than 220 black–and–white photographs, which expand and improve the visual repertoire.
New, in–depth coverage of daylighting, controls, and lamping strategies for more sustainable lighting solutions.
An attractive revamped design and content structure for easier access.
Guidance on criteria, design concepts, and details.
An accompanying Web site featuring additional information and color application photos.

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