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Iconic storefronts USA

Publisher: Barcelona Links 2009Description: 320 Pages | Binding- Hard Bound |.ISBN: 978-84-96969-28-5.Subject(s): FACADE;ROOF;CAFES AND RESTAURANTS; BRAND STORE; TOURIST AND SOUVENIR; ENTERTAINMENT; FASHION SHOPS; HOME GOODS LIVING NAD FOODS; KIOSKS; ACCESSORIES; SPECIALIZED SHOPS; SPORTS GOODS; CHILDREN'S GOODS; BANK FACADES; CULTURAL SHOPS | BUILDING TYPES (AR-BUIL)DDC classification: 725.8 Summary: Iconic Storefronts USA is a well researched sampling of some of the most trail-blazing projects in this area. The large full-colour photographs that illustrate each project are complemented by working plans, sketches and explanatory texts by the architects. As new materials become available and new technologies open up a baffling range of surprising new possibilities, an excitingly innovative and extremely active field of architecture has arisen that is redefining entire urban landscapes. These extraordinary possibilities, sometimes of a temporary nature, must be adapted to local building regulations and limited budgets, challenging imaginative design to the limit.
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 Text Books Text Books School of Architecture
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Circulation 725.8 LIN (Browse shelf) Available A2114
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Iconic Storefronts USA is a well researched sampling of some of the most trail-blazing projects in this area. The large full-colour photographs that illustrate each project are complemented by working plans, sketches and explanatory texts by the architects. As new materials become available and new technologies open up a baffling range of surprising new possibilities, an excitingly innovative and extremely active field of architecture has arisen that is redefining entire urban landscapes. These extraordinary possibilities, sometimes of a temporary nature, must be adapted to local building regulations and limited budgets, challenging imaginative design to the limit.

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