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Readings in urban theory

By: Fainstein, Susan S.
Contributor(s): Campbell, Scott.
Publisher: West Sussex John Wiley & Sons 2011Edition: 3rd Ed.Description: x, 506 Pages | Binding - Paperback |.ISBN: 978-1-4443-3081-6.Subject(s): THE CHANGING URBAN AND REGIONAL SYSTEM; DIVERSTIY: RACE, GENDER, ETHNICITY AND THE PARTITIONING OF SPACE; REDEVELOPMENT AND URBAN TRANSFORMATION; CULTURE, DESIGN, AND URBAN FORM INTRODUCTION; CITIES AND SPACE IN A GLOBALIZED WORLD | URBAN PLANNING AND DESIGN (AR-UPD)DDC classification: 711.1 Summary: Updated with a majority of new readings, the Third Edition of Readings in Urban Theory expands its focus to present the most recent developments in urban and regional theories and policies in a globalized world. Around 75% of the readings included are new for the third edition Unifies readings by an orientation toward political economy and normative themes of social justice Expands the focus on international planning, including globalization and theories of development Addresses the full range of core urban theory so as to remain the primary text in courses.
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