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Sustainable design: The science of sustainability and green engineering

By: Vallero, Daniel.
Contributor(s): Brasier, Chris.
Publisher: New Jercy John Wiley & Sons 2008Description: xi, 332 Pages | Binding- Hard Bound |.ISBN: 978-0-470-13062-9.Subject(s): TEH EVOLUTION OF DESIGN PROCESS; FIRST PRINCIPLES; FIRST PRINCIPLES; TRANSITIONS; PLACE AND TIME; SUSTAINABLE DESIGN AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY; THE SUSTAINABILITY IMPERATIVE; THE CARBON QUANDARY; WE HAVE METN THE FUTURE AND IT IS GREEN | ARCHITECTURE AND ENVIRONMENT (AR-ENV)DDC classification: 720.47 Summary: From thermodynamics to fluid dynamics to computational chemistry, this book sets forth the scientific principles underlying the need for sustainable design, explaining not just the "hows" of sustainable design and green engineering, but also the "whys." Moreover, it provides readers with the scientific principles needed to guide their own sustainable design decisions. Throughout the book, the authors draw from their experience in architecture, civil engineering, environmental engineering, planning, and public policy in order to build an understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of sustainable design. Written to enable readers to take a more scientific approach to sustainable design, the book offers many practical features, including: Case studies presenting the authors′ firsthand accounts of actual green projects Lessons learned from Duke University′s Smart House Program that demonstrate the concepts and techniques discussed in the book Exercises that encourage readers to use their newfound knowledge to solve green design problems Figures, tables, and sidebars illustrating key concepts and summarizing important points For architects, designers, and engineers, this book enables them to not only implement green design methods, but also to choose these methods based on science. With its many examples, case studies, and exercises, the book is also an ideal textbook for students in civil and environmental engineering, construction, and architectural engineering.
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