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Urban design futures

By: Moor, Malcolm.
Contributor(s): Rowland, Malcolm.
Publisher: New York Routledge 2006Edition: 1st Ed.Description: xvii, 198 Pages | Binding - Paperback |.ISBN: 978-0-415-31878-5.Subject(s): URBAN DESIGN COMES OF AGE; CONNECTING SOCIAL SPACES; SUSTAINABILITY THROUGH TECHNOLOGY; NETWORKS EXPAND CHOICE | URBAN PLANNING AND DESIGN (AR-UPD)DDC classification: 711.4 Summary: The last decade has seen the rise of urban design which has taken a central position in the new agendas for urban regeneration and renaissance. Urban design has moved from marginality to mainstream. The principles espoused by urban designers over the past thirty years are now accepted as key to a better urban environment and as we move towards greater sustainability, different ideas are emerging that are challenging some of the accepted urban design norms; urban design is at a watershed. Urban Design Futures presents essays from an international cast of authors to review progress and explore emerging ideas: should urban design reflect the future rather than recreate the past? What are the new driving forces that will shape urban living and hence urban design in the future? This book explores new concepts and points the way towards a series of urban design paradigms for the twenty-first century.
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 Text Books Text Books School of Architecture
General Stacks
Circulation 711.4 MOD/ROW (Browse shelf) Available A2156
Total holds: 0
Browsing School of Architecture Shelves , Shelving location: General Stacks , Collection code: Circulation Close shelf browser
711.4 LEV Urban politics: Cities and suburbs in a global age 711.4 LYN Good city form 711.4 LYN Good city form 711.4 MOD/ROW Urban design futures 711.4 MOL Sourcebook of contemporary urban design 711.4 MOR History of urban form 711.4 MUM/SAR Josep lluis sert: architect of urban design, 1953-69

The last decade has seen the rise of urban design which has taken a central position in the new agendas for urban regeneration and renaissance. Urban design has moved from marginality to mainstream. The principles espoused by urban designers over the past thirty years are now accepted as key to a better urban environment and as we move towards greater sustainability, different ideas are emerging that are challenging some of the accepted urban design norms; urban design is at a watershed.

Urban Design Futures presents essays from an international cast of authors to review progress and explore emerging ideas: should urban design reflect the future rather than recreate the past? What are the new driving forces that will shape urban living and hence urban design in the future? This book explores new concepts and points the way towards a series of urban design paradigms for the twenty-first century.

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