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Sourcebook of contemporary architecture

By: Vidiella, Alex Sanchez.
Publisher: New York Harpercollins 2011Edition: 1st.Description: 455 Pages | Binding - Paperback |.ISBN: 978-0-06-208369-2.Subject(s): ARCHITECUTRE HISTORY (ARC-HIS)DDC classification: 724.6 Summary: The abriged paperback edition of The Sourcebook of Contemporary Architecture presents sixty noteworthy case studies that showcase a complete and diverse range of structures worldwide--now in a more portable format. The case studies incorporate every type of architectural project possible-private, commercial and public-making this lushly illustrated, information-rich book a more widely accessible resource that architects and architectural students will turn to again and again. Each case study includes a succinct description of the project at hand, listing its name, client, and location and presenting its unique objectives, challenges, and solutions. Every case study also features numerous full-color photographs and detailed renderings of site and floor plans. Finally, each case study provides a full listing of those involved in the project: the architectural firm and its participating architects; engineers; consultants; and contractors. The book features the work of world-renowned architects such as Gehry Partners, Ateliers Jean Nouvel, Santiago Calatrava, Daniele Claudio Taddei, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Philippe Starck, Tod Williams Billie Tsien & Associates, Daniel Claudio Taddei, Diller Scofidio, and others. Well-known projects include New York’s Modern Museum of Art redesign and Time Warner Center, England’s Selfridges Birmingham, and the MIT Stata Center in Cambridge, MA.
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 Text Books Text Books School of Architecture
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Circulation 724.6 VID (Browse shelf) Available A0572
 Text Books Text Books School of Architecture
General Stacks
Circulation 724.6 VID (Browse shelf) Available A0368
Total holds: 0

The abriged paperback edition of The Sourcebook of Contemporary Architecture presents sixty noteworthy case studies that showcase a complete and diverse range of structures worldwide--now in a more portable format. The case studies incorporate every type of architectural project possible-private, commercial and public-making this lushly illustrated, information-rich book a more widely accessible resource that architects and architectural students will turn to again and again.

Each case study includes a succinct description of the project at hand, listing its name, client, and location and presenting its unique objectives, challenges, and solutions. Every case study also features numerous full-color photographs and detailed renderings of site and floor plans. Finally, each case study provides a full listing of those involved in the project: the architectural firm and its participating architects; engineers; consultants; and contractors. The book features the work of world-renowned architects such as Gehry Partners, Ateliers Jean Nouvel, Santiago Calatrava, Daniele Claudio Taddei, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Philippe Starck, Tod Williams Billie Tsien & Associates, Daniel Claudio Taddei, Diller Scofidio, and others. Well-known projects include New York’s Modern Museum of Art redesign and Time Warner Center, England’s Selfridges Birmingham, and the MIT Stata Center in Cambridge, MA.

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