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Computational performance evaluation of a four stroke cycle spark ignition engine using petrol and propane as alternative fuels

By: Wani, Marouuf M.
Contributor(s): Shahid Saleem.
Publisher: Ghaziabad Enriched Publications 2024Edition: Vol8(2), May-Aug.Description: 1-12p.Subject(s): Mechanical EngineeringOnline resources: Click here In: Journal of industrial and mechanical engineeringSummary: This paper describes the results of computational studies o a single cylinder four stroke cycle spark ignition using propane as an alternative fuel to petrol. The simulation is done in the professional engine simulation software from AVL Austria named as BOOST. The modeling methodology involves the use of first law of thermodynamics for engine as an open system when valves are open and engine as a closed system when valves are closed.
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This paper describes the results of computational studies o a single cylinder four stroke cycle spark ignition using propane as an alternative fuel to petrol. The simulation is done in the professional engine simulation software from AVL Austria named as BOOST. The modeling methodology involves the use of first law of thermodynamics for engine as an open system when valves are open and engine as a closed system when valves are closed.

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