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DGA, Wavelet & ANN techniques for failure analysis of power trnsformers

By: Mohammed Abdul Rahman Uzair.
Contributor(s): Banakara, Basavaraja.
Publisher: Ghaziabad Enriched Publications 2024Edition: Vol.8(2), May-Aug.Description: 57-64p.Subject(s): Mechanical EngineeringOnline resources: Click here In: Journal of industrial and mechanical engineeringSummary: In the proposed paper, we have an evident comparative study of there types of power transformer failure analysis tests. The methods are dissolved gas analysis, wavelet technology-applied temperature sensor concept and artificial neural networks approach. In dissolved gas analysis, the gas concentrations are determined in the transformer oil sample for diagnosing the fault form the ratio of two suitable gases....
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In the proposed paper, we have an evident comparative study of there types of power transformer failure analysis tests. The methods are dissolved gas analysis, wavelet technology-applied temperature sensor concept and artificial neural networks approach. In dissolved gas analysis, the gas concentrations are determined in the transformer oil sample for diagnosing the fault form the ratio of two suitable gases....

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