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Pharmacognosy : Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

By: Ali, Mohammed.
Publisher: New Delhi CBS Publishers & Distributers 2008Edition: 1st.Description: 802, 24.3*18.5 Pages | Binding - Paperback |.ISBN: 81-239-1438-5.Subject(s): PHARMACOGNOSY | PHARMACOGNOSYDDC classification: 615.321 Online resources: Click here to access online Summary: The purpose of this book is to provide pharmacognostical information of drugs, their classification, adulteration. Quality control and pest control. The presence of the natural products found in trace amounts are also mentioned. The pharmacological activities of the important drug constituents are included. It is hoped that new entries would add immensely to the usefulness of the book by highlighting the results of chemical and biological studies of the herbal drugs. The source book is organized into 25 chapters. Each chapter covers general information. The drugs include information concerning biological sources, geographical distribution, morphology, histological characters, chemical constituents, chemical tests, medicinal uses, adulteration or substituents and pharmacological activities. The chapters offer a view over the -enormous diversity of natural chemical molecules. The stereostructures of phytoconstituents are illustrated to introduce most of the concepts required for the study of natural products.
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 Text Books Text Books School of Pharmacy
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Circulation 615.321 ALI (Browse shelf) Available B0045
 Text Books Text Books School of Pharmacy
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Reference 615.321 ALI (Browse shelf) Not For Loan B0044
 Text Books Text Books School of Pharmacy
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Circulation 615.321 ALI (Browse shelf) Available B0046
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615.321 AGR Herbal drug technology 615.321 AGR Herbal drug technology 615.321 AGR Herbal drug technology 615.321 ALI Pharmacognosy 615.321 ALI Pharmacognosy 615.321 BHU/USM Practical pharmacognosy and phytochemistry-I 615.321 BRU/HAT Pharmacognosy phytochemistry medicinal plants

The purpose of this book is to provide pharmacognostical information of drugs, their classification, adulteration. Quality control and pest control. The presence of the natural products found in trace amounts are also mentioned. The pharmacological activities of the important drug constituents are included. It is hoped that new entries would add immensely to the usefulness of the book by highlighting the results of chemical and biological studies of the herbal drugs. The source book is organized into 25 chapters. Each chapter covers general information. The drugs include information concerning biological sources, geographical distribution, morphology, histological characters, chemical constituents, chemical tests, medicinal uses, adulteration or substituents and pharmacological activities. The chapters offer a view over the -enormous diversity of natural chemical molecules. The stereostructures of phytoconstituents are illustrated to introduce most of the concepts required for the study of natural products.

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