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Pharmaceutical analysis

By: Higuchi, Takeru.
Contributor(s): Brochmann, Einar | Hanssen, Hamffen.
Publisher: New Delhi CBS Publishers & Distributers 1997Edition: 1st.Description: 854, 22.3*14.6 Pages Paperback.ISBN: 81-239-0591-2.Subject(s): PHARMACEUTICAL ANALYSISDDC classification: 615.1901 Online resources: Click here to access online Summary: This volume is the result of a combined effort to fill the gap that has long existed in the field of pharmaceutical and analytical literature. In devising specific methods that are suitable for accurately determining small amounts of potent drugs in bulk and dosage forms particularly in the presence of their degradation products and! Or interfering drugs and excipients analytical research workers have relied -largely upon personal experience and ingenuity. Official compendia although of great value are not particularly helpful in developing new methods. Specifically this book gives selected methods currently used by some of the leading pharmaceutical firms in this country and the rationale behind them. The scope of the book is confined essentially to organic pharmaceuticals with only short sections devoted to drugs containing heavy metals. Moreover some of the more important drug classes are omitted.
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