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Chirality in drug design and development

By: Reddy, Indra K.
Contributor(s): Mehver, Reza.
Publisher: New York 2009Edition: 1st.Description: 444, 23.5*15.7 Pages | Binding - Paperback |.ISBN: 0-8247-5062-4.Subject(s): PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRYDDC classification: 615.19 Online resources: Click here to access online Summary: Covering every essential element in the development of chiral products, this reference provides a solid overview of the formulation, biopharmaceutical characteristics, and regulatory issues impacting the production of these pharmaceuticals. It supports researchers as they evaluate the pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic, and toxicological characteristics of specific enantiomers and chiral drug compounds and addresses in one convenient reference all the major challenges pertaining to drug chirality that have been neglected in the literature. Chirality in Drug Design and Development collects the latest studies from an interdisciplinary team of experts on chiral drug design.
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