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HandBook of seperation process technology

By: Rausseau, Ronald W.
Publisher: New Delhi John Wiley & Sons 2009Edition: 1st.Description: 1010, 23.5*16 Pages | Binding - Paperback |.ISBN: 9788126519303.Subject(s): PHARMACEUTICSDDC classification: 615.19 Online resources: Click here to access online Summary: The book surveys the selection, design and operation of most of the industrially important separation processes. It discusses the underlying principles on which the processes are based and provides illustrative examples of the use of the processes in a modern context. The text features thorough treatment of newer separation processes based on membranes, adsorption, chromatography, ion exchange and chemical complexion. It also includes a review of historically important separation processes such as distillation, absorption, extraction, leaching and crystallization and considers these techniques in light of recent developments affecting them Table of Contents: Part I: General Principles Phase Equilibria Mass Transfer Principles Phase Segregation General Processing Considerations Part II: Individual Separation Processes Distillation Absorption and Stripping Extraction - Organic Chemicals Processing Extraction - Metals Processing Leaching - Metals Applications Leaching - Organic Materials Crystallization Operations Adsorption Ion Exchange Large-Scale Chromatography Separation Processes Based on Reversible Chemical Complexion Bubble and Foam Separations - Ore Flotation Bubble and Foam Separations - Waste Treatment Ultrafiltration and Reverse Osmosis Recent Advances in Liquid Membrane Technology Separation of Gaseous Mixtures Using Polymer Membranes Membrane Processes - Dialysis and Electro dialysis Selection of a Separation Process
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Books Books School of Pharmacy
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Reference 615.19 RAU (Browse shelf) Not For Loan (Restricted Access) B0732
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The book surveys the selection, design and operation of most of the industrially important separation processes. It discusses the underlying principles on which the processes are based and provides illustrative examples of the use of the processes in a modern context. The text features thorough treatment of newer separation processes based on membranes, adsorption, chromatography, ion exchange and chemical complexion. It also includes a review of historically important separation processes such as distillation, absorption, extraction, leaching and crystallization and considers these techniques in light of recent developments affecting them
Table of Contents:

Part I: General Principles
Phase Equilibria
Mass Transfer Principles
Phase Segregation
General Processing Considerations
Part II: Individual Separation Processes
Absorption and Stripping
Extraction - Organic Chemicals Processing
Extraction - Metals Processing
Leaching - Metals Applications
Leaching - Organic Materials
Crystallization Operations
Ion Exchange
Large-Scale Chromatography
Separation Processes Based on Reversible Chemical Complexion
Bubble and Foam Separations - Ore Flotation
Bubble and Foam Separations - Waste Treatment
Ultrafiltration and Reverse Osmosis
Recent Advances in Liquid Membrane Technology
Separation of Gaseous Mixtures Using Polymer Membranes
Membrane Processes - Dialysis and Electro dialysis
Selection of a Separation Process

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