Quality systems and control for pharmaceuticals
By: Sarker, Dipak K
Publisher: NA John Wiley & Sons 2008Edition: 1st.Description: 182, 24.2*16.8 Pages | Binding - Paperback |.ISBN: 978-0-470-05693-6.Subject(s): PHARMACEUTICS
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School of Pharmacy Reference Section | Reference | 615 SAR (Browse shelf) | Not For Loan | B0922 |
Quality Systems and Control for Pharmaceuticals is anaccessible overview of the highly–regulated area of pharmaceuticalmanufacture, the production of biomedical materials, and biomedicaldevices. Introducing the subject in a clear and logical manner itenables the reader to grasp the key concepts of themultidisciplinary area of control science and specifically qualitycontrol using industrial and theoretical models.
Taking a multidisciplinary approach to the subject the reader isguided through key topics such as product safety which takes intoaccount aspects of analytical science, statistics, microbiology,biotechnology, engineering, business practice and optimizingmodels, the law and safeguarding public health, innovation andinventiveness and contemporary best practice.
The author has both industry and academic experience and many best practice examples are included throughout thetext based on his own industry experience and current practicingindustrial pharmacists. This is an invaluable reference for allstudents of pharmacy who may have little or no familiarity withindustrial practice and for those studying BSc chemistry,biomedical sciences, process analytical chemistry and MSc inIndustrial Practice.
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