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Barry's advanced construction of buildings

By: Emmitt, Stephen.
Contributor(s): Gorse, Christopher A.
Publisher: New Delhi Wiley India 2014Edition: 1st Ed.Description: | Binding - Paperback |.ISBN: 978-1-118-25549-0.Subject(s): Construction Engineering and Management (CEM) | ADVANCED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGYDDC classification: 690 Online resources: Explore NDLI Materials Summary: Robin Barry′s Construction of Buildings was first published in 1958 in 5 volumes, rapidly becoming a standard text on construction. In its current 2 volume format Barry remains hugely popular with both students and lecturers of construction and related disciplines. The third edition of Barry′s Advanced Construction of Buildings expands and deepens your understanding of construction technology. It covers the construction of larger–scale buildings (primarily residential, commercial and industrial) constructed with load bearing frames, supported by chapters on fit–out and second fix, lifts and escalators, off–site construction and a new chapter on building obsolescence and revitalisation. Functional and performance requirements of the main building elements are emphasised throughout, as is building efficiency and meeting the challenges of limiting the environmental impact of buildings. You will find the text fully up to date with the latest building regulations and construction technologies. The new edition, with supporting material at, is an ideal information source for developing a wider and deeper understanding of construction technology.
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Robin Barry′s Construction of Buildings was first published in 1958 in 5 volumes, rapidly becoming a standard text on construction. In its current 2 volume format Barry remains hugely popular with both students and lecturers of construction and related disciplines.
The third edition of Barry′s Advanced Construction of Buildings expands and deepens your understanding of construction technology. It covers the construction of larger–scale buildings (primarily residential, commercial and industrial) constructed with load bearing frames, supported by chapters on fit–out and second fix, lifts and escalators, off–site construction and a new chapter on building obsolescence and revitalisation. Functional and performance requirements of the main building elements are emphasised throughout, as is building efficiency and meeting the challenges of limiting the environmental impact of buildings. You will find the text fully up to date with the latest building regulations and construction technologies.

The new edition, with supporting material at, is an ideal information source for developing a wider and deeper understanding of construction technology.

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