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By: Fritz, John M.
Contributor(s): Michell, George.
Publisher: Mumbai India Book House 2003Description: 158 Pages | Binding - Paperback |.ISBN: 9788175083363.Subject(s): ARCHAEOLOGY | ARCHITECUTRE HISTORY (ARC-HIS)DDC classification: 722.44 Summary: Hampi is one of the most beautiful and evocative of all historical sites in south India. Austere yet grandiose, Hampi was established as the seat of the Vijayanagara empire in the mid-14th century, a time when art and architecture flourished. Contemporary chroniclers from Arabia, Italy, Portugal and Russia visited the empire during this period and left glowing accounts of a city that was conquered by Muslim invaders in AD 1565, pillaged for six months, and abandoned. Hampi is an exploration of this dramatic landscape that still contains many examples of secular architecture such as royal palaces, water tanks, market places, stables and memorial stones. It also examines the temples renowned for their florid ornamentation, intricate carvings, magnificent pavilions, stately pillars and a wealth of iconographic and traditional depictions. The book includes site plans and three-dimensional reconstructions of the site.
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Hampi is one of the most beautiful and evocative of all historical sites in south India. Austere yet grandiose, Hampi was established as the seat of the Vijayanagara empire in the mid-14th century, a time when art and architecture flourished. Contemporary chroniclers from Arabia, Italy, Portugal and Russia visited the empire during this period and left glowing accounts of a city that was conquered by Muslim invaders in AD 1565, pillaged for six months, and abandoned. Hampi is an exploration of this dramatic landscape that still contains many examples of secular architecture such as royal palaces, water tanks, market places, stables and memorial stones. It also examines the temples renowned for their florid ornamentation, intricate carvings, magnificent pavilions, stately pillars and a wealth of iconographic and traditional depictions. The book includes site plans and three-dimensional reconstructions of the site.

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