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By: Waterstone, Richard.
Publisher: Boston Little Brown 1995Description: 184 Pages | Binding - Paperback |.ISBN: 9780316903073.Subject(s): ARCHITECTURE BY REGION (AR-REG)DDC classification: 720.954 Summary: "India" describes the main themes in the Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, and other spiritual traditions of India, and explores their points of contact with Western preoccupations. Includes more than 250 full-color illustrations, showing superb art, artifacts and architecture.
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Item type Current location Collection Call number Status Date due Barcode Item holds
 Text Books Text Books School of Architecture
General Stacks
Circulation 720.954 WAT (Browse shelf) Available A0628
Total holds: 0
Browsing School of Architecture Shelves , Shelving location: General Stacks , Collection code: Circulation Close shelf browser
720.954 VIK Elephant kingdom sculptures from Indian architecture 720.954 VOL Cosmic architecture in India 720.954 VOL/STI Architecture of the world India 720.954 WAT India 720.954 YPM India modern 720.95401 GRO Buddhist and Hindu architecture in India 720.95405 MEH Architecture in India since 1990

"India" describes the main themes in the Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, and other spiritual traditions of India, and explores their points of contact with Western preoccupations. Includes more than 250 full-color illustrations, showing superb art, artifacts and architecture.

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