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IoT fundamentals : Networking tehnologies, protocols, and use cases for the internet of things

By: Hanes, David.
Contributor(s): Salgueiro, Gonzalo | Grossetete, Patrick | Barton, Rob | Henry, Jerome.
Publisher: New Delhi Pearson Education 2017Description: xxxi, 543p. | Binding - Paperback | 23.2*17 cm.ISBN: 9789386873743.Subject(s): EXTC EngineeringDDC classification: 004.678 Summary: The authors begin with a high-level overview of the Internet of Things IoT) and introduce key concepts needed to successfully design IoT solutions. Next, they walk through each key technology, protocol, and technical building block that combine into complete IoT solutions. Building on these essentials, they present several detailed use cases, including manufacturing, energy, utilities, smart+connected cities, transportation, mining, and public safety. Networking students will gain deep insight into what IoT applications can do, and what it takes to deliver them. Note - this text is not based on the Cisco Networking Academy course of the same name.
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