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Theory of structures - I

By: Pandit, G. S.
Contributor(s): Gupta, S. P | Gupta, Rajesh.
Publisher: Chennai McGraw Hill Education 1999Edition: 1st.Description: xii, 679p. | Binding - Paperback | 23*15 cm.ISBN: 9780074634936.Subject(s): Civil EngineeringDDC classification: 624.17 Summary: Emphasises the conceptual understanding of the subject; Lucid presentation of theorems, hypotheses, formulae and working equations; Graphical representation of forces, displacements and their relationships using coordinates; Indepth coverage of important topics such as slope and deflection of beams, consistent deformation, displacement method, moment distribution method, columns and struts; 307 well graded solved examples, and plenty of unsolved problems with answers; Profusely illustrated with over 500 diagrams to support the theory. 1. Basic Concepts 2. Work and Energy Principles 3. Slope and Deflection of Beams 4. Displacements of Plane Frames 5. Force Method - Consistent Deformation 6. Displacement Method - Slope Deflection Equations 7. Symmetry Concepts 8. Column Analogy 9. Moment Distribution Method 10. Columns and Struts
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624.17 PAN/GUP Theory of structures - I 624.17 PAN/GUP Theory of structures - I 624.17 PAN/GUP Theory of structures - I 624.17 PAN/GUP Theory of structures - I 624.17 PAT Strength of materials 624.17 PAT Strength of materials 624.17 PAT Strength of materials

Emphasises the conceptual understanding of the subject; Lucid presentation of theorems, hypotheses, formulae and working equations; Graphical representation of forces, displacements and their relationships using coordinates; Indepth coverage of important topics such as slope and deflection of beams, consistent deformation, displacement method, moment distribution method, columns and struts; 307 well graded solved examples, and plenty of unsolved problems with answers; Profusely illustrated with over 500 diagrams to support the theory.
1. Basic Concepts
2. Work and Energy Principles

3. Slope and Deflection of Beams

4. Displacements of Plane Frames

5. Force Method - Consistent Deformation

6. Displacement Method - Slope Deflection Equations

7. Symmetry Concepts

8. Column Analogy

9. Moment Distribution Method

10. Columns and Struts

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