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Programming and problem solving with python

By: Kamthane, Ashok Namdeo.
Contributor(s): Kamthane, Amit Ashok.
Publisher: Chennai McGraw Hill Education 2018Description: xxv, 398p. | Binding - Paperback | 24*18.5 cm.ISBN: 9789387067578.Subject(s): EXTC EngineeringDDC classification: 005.133 Summary: This book provides students thorough knowhow of Python programming language. It familiarizes students with the concepts of Python programming, its usability in programming as well as advantages and disadvantages over other programming languages. The fundamental and theoretical concepts are explained with programs and illustratively solved examples. Each program is followed by its exhaustive explanation to resolve conceptuality of programs. The book develops problem-solving and code writing skills. This hands-on-guide is sure to encourage engineering students from all streams, self-learners and professionals to perform complex calculations and script applications in python. CONTENT: 1. Introduction to Computer and Python Programming 2. Basics of Python Programming 3. Operators and Expressions 4. Decision Statements 5. Loop Control Statements 6. Functions 7. Strings 8. Lists 9. List Processing: Searching and Sorting 10. Object-oriented Programming: Class, Objects and Inheritance 11. Tuples, Sets and Dictionaries 12. Graphics Programming: Drawing with Turtle Graphics 13. File Handling
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 Text Books Text Books School of Engineering & Technology
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Circulation 005.133 KAM/KAM (Browse shelf) Checked out to Adnan Mazhar Alam (COF036) 28/03/2025 E14758
 Text Books Text Books School of Engineering & Technology
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Circulation 005.133 KAM/KAM (Browse shelf) Available E14759
 Text Books Text Books School of Engineering & Technology
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Circulation 005.133 KAM/KAM (Browse shelf) Checked out to Rehal MOhammed Ali Qureshi, (COF016) 04/02/2025 E14760
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 Text Books Text Books School of Engineering & Technology
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This book provides students thorough knowhow of Python programming language. It familiarizes students with the concepts of Python programming, its usability in programming as well as advantages and disadvantages over other programming languages. The fundamental and theoretical concepts are explained with programs and illustratively solved examples. Each program is followed by its exhaustive explanation to resolve conceptuality of programs. The book develops problem-solving and code writing skills. This hands-on-guide is sure to encourage engineering students from all streams, self-learners and professionals to perform complex calculations and script applications in python.
1. Introduction to Computer and Python Programming
2. Basics of Python Programming
3. Operators and Expressions
4. Decision Statements
5. Loop Control Statements
6. Functions
7. Strings
8. Lists
9. List Processing: Searching and Sorting
10. Object-oriented Programming: Class, Objects and Inheritance
11. Tuples, Sets and Dictionaries
12. Graphics Programming: Drawing with Turtle Graphics
13. File Handling

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