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Scientology 8-8008

By: Hubbard, L. Ron.
Publisher: California Bridge Publications, Inc 2007Description: 415p. | Binding- Hard Bound | 24.2*16.5 cm.ISBN: 9781403165930.Subject(s): NON TECHNICAL BOOKS (NTB)DDC classification: 299.936 Summary: The complete description of the behavior and potentials of a thetan , and textbook for the Philadelphia Doctorate Course and The Factors: Admiration & the Renaissance of Beingness lectures. As L. Ron Hubbard said, the book’s title serves to fix in the mind of the individual a route by which he can rehabilitate himself, his abilities, his ethics and his goals—the attainment of infinity (8) by the reduction of the apparent infinity (8) of the MEST universe to zero (0) and the increase of the apparent zero (0) of one’s own universe to infinity (8). Condensed herein are more than 80,000 hours of investigation, with a summarization and amplification of every breakthrough to date—and the full significance of those discoveries form the new vantage point of Operating Thetan.
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General Book General Book School of Engineering & Technology
Fiction/Literature (NTB)
Circulation 299.936 HUB (Browse shelf) Available E14983
Total holds: 0

The complete description of the behavior and potentials of a thetan , and textbook for the Philadelphia Doctorate Course and The Factors: Admiration & the Renaissance of Beingness lectures. As L. Ron Hubbard said, the book’s title serves to fix in the mind of the individual a route by which he can rehabilitate himself, his abilities, his ethics and his goals—the attainment of infinity (8) by the reduction of the apparent infinity (8) of the MEST universe to zero (0) and the increase of the apparent zero (0) of one’s own universe to infinity (8). Condensed herein are more than 80,000 hours of investigation, with a summarization and amplification of every breakthrough to date—and the full significance of those discoveries form the new vantage point of Operating Thetan.

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