Mitra, Susanta

Own Device-based Mobile Learning in Personal Cloud Environment : A Framework to Address Digital Divide - Vol.32(4), April - Pune Engineering Education Foundation 2019 - 46-54p.

Mobile learning under cloud environment, an amalgamation between mobile cloud computing and mobile learning, has gained wide academic and commercial recognition during last few years. Though researches on MOOC and other means of Digital Learning is widely circulated, however, research to enhance traditional mobile learning using newer types of ubiquitous and pervasive devices (e.g. Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment or MOODLE) for collecting resources is yet to be widely circulated in the literature. The proposed work is expected to make learning more cost-effective, collaborative and practical for the learners using Personal Cloud environment. This solution can be beneficial for mass learners including poor and under privileged and will help in getting rid of digital divide.

Computer Engineering