Palanki, Balakrishna

Inspired Teaching and Learning at the Educational Institution and in Industry–Experiments, Experiences and Inferences - Vol.31(3), Jan - Pune Engineering Education Foundation 2018 - 215-221p.

The teacher can teach well only when he also takes up his own continuous learning as his mission. In modern times resource availability has widened enormously to the teacher as well as to the student. For example, in addition to several articles published on the internet, video lessons are available on the YouTube. Students remember those teachers who were setting an example, who emphasised on student centred learning, cooperative learning and problem based learning. For the student, the teacher is also the mentor, the friend, philosopher and guide.The task of the teacher is to develop the student's capacity for research and enquiry, capacity for creativity and high technology, entrepreneurial and moral leadership. The private industry needs to play a proactive role by opening their doorswider for student trainees and interns. College managements have to be more concerned about the problems faced by the teachers and students and support them in their endeavour. The industry needs to open its doorswider for student apprentices and collaborate with engineering colleges for technical issue resolution. The colleges in turn,may provide flexible educational opportunities to industry employees.

Humanities and Applied Science