Engelsen, Christian J.

Use of recycled concrete aggregates – full scale demonstration - Vol.93(9), Sep - Thane ACC LTD 2019 - 30-35p.

Several successful demonstration projects have been conducted in the past 20 years in order to verify the practical, technical and environmental applicability of recycled aggregates. One example is Sørumsand High School where 37% of the natural coarse aggregates were replaced by recycled concrete aggregates. The project was well-planned with solid documentation of the recycled materials as well as the fresh and hardened concrete properties. The experiences obtained were that the project was competitive to the regular project with natural aggregates with regard to costs, technical performance, practical handling and environmental properties. Furthermore, recycled aggregates are included for use in nearly all of the European (EN) aggregate standards, though at varying implementation level. In India, a large deficiency of treatment and recycling capacity of C&D waste exists. Recycling by the wet process technology seems to increase, due to the highly complex heterogenic waste received at the stationary plants. Heterogeneity should be tackled by increased source segregation, pre-mixing of feedstock materials and a daily control of the recycled products. Homogenous feedstock source of concrete waste is highly applicable to recycle into RCA.

Construction Engineering and Management (CEM)