Raji, Krishna

Grid-Tied PV System with Small DC-Link Capacitor and Low-Frequency Ripple-Free Maximum Power Point Tracking - Vol.4(1), Jan-June - New Delhi Journals Pub 2018 - 39-47p.

This paper proposes a grid-tied cascaded multilevel inverter (CMI) PV system based on current-fed dual-active-bridge DC–DC converters using small dc-link capacitors. The CMI has many advantages, such as modularity, low harmonic spectra, high ac voltage application with low device rating, and low electromagnetic interference. In addition, distributed maximum power point tracking (MPPT) terminal for segmented photovoltaic (PV) arrays can be achieved by CMI PV converter. The low-frequency ripple-free MPPT is also realized in the proposed converter. A novel variable step-size MPPT algorithm is proposed to ensure high MPPT efficiency and fast maximum power extraction under rapid irradiation change. Fast tracking speed under rapid irradiation change and high MPPT efficiency were realized for the PV system.

Electrical Engineering