Banerjee, Trina Nileena

Contemporary Theatre Practice in Manipur: A Reckoning - Vol.70(3), March - Mumbai Marg Publications 2019 - 82-91p.

Theatre in Manipur is shaped by a vortex of linguistic encounters, cultural influences/resistances and a heterogeneous mixture of aesthetic tendencies. The essay discusses this entire range of practices—the Lai Haraoba based on religious and ritual performances, the Shumang Leela and Phampak Leela which represent commercial theatre for rural and urban audiences, the political theatre that emerged under Ratan Thiyam and Heisnam Kanhailal and the continuing presence of politics in the contemporary works of a younger generation of directors like Surjit Nongmeikapam, Heisnam Tomba, S. Thaninleima and Rojio Usham.