Varma, Rahat

Architectural Sustainability- A pedagogic view to understanding the jargon - Vol.36(11), November - New Delhi Burda Media India Private Limited 2019 - 60-64p.

The last two decades have seen a surge in the global appeal to turn towards sustainability, a term that is possibly being overused today. While there is a larger understanding of the concept in terms of architecture, we really need to probe the issue on how it can be taught or embedded into our thought processes deeply enough, so that the impacts can be seen more vividly.

A 2016 survey on the pedagogical approach to teaching architectural sustainability in Malaysia, clearly states that 51.6 per cent students learn the finer nuances by themselves. While, peer learning maps at 48.6 per cent, design studio lectures sit at a meek 37 per cent. The data mapped thus, clearly shows that students have more than one source of learning and hence, the overlap in percentages. The study also stated that a majority of the students rely on pre-design assignments to develop sustainable design strategies, which are then imposed on their design solutions. This results in sustainability being used only as a layer that simply informs the design process later.