Hashim, David Mizan

Evolving with a belief in our core values - Vol.36(11), November - New Delhi Burda Media India Private Limited 2019 - 66-68p.

VERITAS is a design practice guided by a core philosophy which is unique and specific to our corporate culture. The origin story of this philosophy is intertwined with the story of the evolution as an organization. At a point in our adolescence, as the company began expanding and evolving into the multidisciplinary and multi-locational entity it is today, we began to suffer from a crisis of identity and focus. It was thus felt that a set of common guiding principles was becoming necessary to achieve alignment and provide focus to the increasingly diverse group. Thus, a core philosophy evolved with two parts: an over-arching core purpose and a set of core values to guide this purpose.

Our core purpose was conceived from a thoughtful examination of what was our primary motivation as designers of the built environment. It was the clear distillation of what deeply inspired us (since childhood in some cases) to be who we are and do what we do. Following protracted reflections and debate, this core purpose was condensed into a simple and ultimate statement of purpose: To elevate the quality of our built environment for the pleasure of humanity.