Gangopadhyay, Sumita Gupta

Post Pandemic Approach to Urban Planning - Vol.18(2), April-June - New Delhi Institute of Town Planners 2021 - 96-104p.

With the advent of COVID-19 pandemic globally, human beings are compelled to live
differently. For mere survival, they have learnt to limit and control themselves. In
India, the devastating effect of COVID-19 is felt mainly in the metropolitan cities, which
are moving towards un-sustainability. One of the cornerstones of a sustainable society
is elimination of waste flow at the source. Food packaging costs a lot and creates a lot
of solid waste. Reduce, reuse, recycle, rejuvenate and rehabilitate is the way forward
for making the society more sustainable. The scope of the paper is to control and limit
the adverse environmental impact by reducing food miles. In the agricultural sector
the scope of one such control lies in the area of food miles. Food miles, directly and
indirectly affect the decline in air quality. Policy makers and planners should focus on
what should be done to reduce these impacts of long distance food transportation vis-à-
vis its impact on the environment.