In vitro Anti Tubercular Activity and Physicochemical Standardization of Selected Medicinal Plant Extracts - Vol.83(2), March-April - Mumbai Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science 2021 - 230-237p.

Globally tuberculosis is a major health problem. The main question with the current tuberculosis
treatment is adverse e ffects and drug resistance. The present study aimed to identify safe and e ffective
alternative herbal drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis. This study involves the standardization of
selected medicinal plant extracts and in vitro antitubercular activity. Based on the literature survey,
four medicinal plant extracts were selected i.e. Glycyrrhiza glabra (Yastimadhu), Piper longum (Pippali),
Curcuma longa (Haridra) and Adhatoda vasica (Vasaka). To evaluate the authenticity and quality control
aspect, chromatographic fingerprinting and physicochemical analysis were carried out. Quanti fication of
phytomarkers was analyzed by High performance liquid chromatography and in vitro anti-mycobacterial
activity was performed by agar well di ffusion method on Mycobacterium smegmatis . All necessary
physicochemical parameters were performed and found to comply with speci fied limits. Extracts were
authenticated by qualitative High-performance thin layer chromatography fingerprinting in comparison
with suitable raw herbs and phytomarkers. Quanti fication by High performance liquid chromatography
showed that Glycyrrhiza glabra contains 10 % Glycyrrhizin,Piper longum contains 7 % Piperine,Curcuma
longa contains 82.41 % Curcumin and Adhatoda vasica contains 2.3 % Vasicine. In vitro activity of
Glycyrrhiza glabra, Piper longum and Curcuma longashowed 20 mm, 16 mm and 14 mm of maximum Zone
of inhibition respectively. Adhatoda vasica did not show any activity against Mycobacterium smegmatis .
The present study demonstrates that the selected plant extracts have the potential to inhibit mycobacterial
growth. Thus, these standardized herbal extracts could be used in the design and development of a
polyherbal formulation for the treatment of primary stage tuberculosis