Goel, Rahul

Impact of COVID-19 on entrepreneurship in construction sector in India - Vol.36(4), Oct-Dec - Pune NICMAR 2021 - 41-49p.

Entrepreneurship as a career is considered to be a multidimensional activity in which various aspects of a business are to be coordinated to achieve the desired result. business is generally considered to be affected by various development in political, economic, social or technological fields. However, rarely are the times when a business is impacted by any of the developments in the Biological field. the discovery of covid-19 in Wuhan city of China has made a significant impact on almost all economies of the world. It was first found in China in December 2019. The Corona virus has spread now almost in all major economies of the world. being highly infectious and tending to spread from one person to another very fast, it has led to the development of new norms like social distancing to restrict the spread of COVID-19.

Construction Engineering and Management (CEM)

Pandemic Indian Economy