kendrick, Tom

Project management tool kit - 2nd Ed - New York Amacom 2010 - xv,256 Pages | Binding - Paperback |

If you’re a project manager, you know about the permanent crunch caused by limited time, scarce resources, and the sheer intricacy of many projects. The Project Management Tool Kit, Second Edition, supplies the clear, concise information you need to get complex projects done—on time, on budget, and with stellar results.

Completely updated throughout, The Project Management Tool Kit, Second Edition, addresses 100 specific project challenges, including all of the processes identified in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®Guide). But unlike the PMBOK Guide,® which focuses on what to do, this accessible book delivers step-by-step “how-to” guidance for professionals at all levels on essential topics such as:


Stakeholder expectation management

Stakeholder identification

Requirements collection

Inheriting a project

Forecasting project completion

Project metric selection

Project metric implementation

Project life cycles

Complete with checklists and tools for quick implementation, this practical, on-the-job resource will help project managers in any industry master any project challenge.



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