Leena Kumar

Dialogue Ar. Hafeez contractorthe architect who changed the skyline of Mumbai - Vol.86(10), Oct - Mumbai Indian Institute of Architects 2021 - 33-38p.

Ar. Hafeez Contractor (HC): I gave architecture a new look,
a new form, along with its functionality. When I entered the
industry of architecture, I observed that 90 % of the housing
in the western region, with the construction of RCC with
brick and plaster walls, was unable to withstand the incessant
monsoons, and therefore always remained damp and leaking.
I set out to correct this by shielding the exterior wall with
a screen wall in front. This simple solution, not thought of
nor implemented till then, gave to its occupants a healthier
building and thereby a healthier life. Subsequently, many
buildings started implementing the idea that germinated
from my designs, in mass housing. It was simple out-of-the-
box thinking at that time