Studio camarada a collaborative
- Vol.86(10), Oct
- Mumbai Indian Institute of Architects 2021
- 62-68p.
A ‘studio’ by definition is in essence an artists’ or workers’ workroom. It is where creativity is brewed and translated into the art-form itself. While the definition holds good for most cases, the term ‘architectural studio' is, in fact, a class in a graduate school in which students receive hands-on instruction on ‘architectural design’. Having said that, we at Studio Camarada believe our style of work is in fact much like a ‘studio’ itself. The learning, interactions, collaborations and overall vibe resonate with that of a classroom or ‘architectural studio’. It is a conscious effort that enables us to maintain this type of work style and one we pride ourselves in having for ourselves. Everything about our day to day working resonates with a collaborative approach. From the team interactions, to site activities, we have built our practice around the idea of an ecosystem that feeds off the energy of like-minded personnel. In this piece, I will be breaking down the various types of collaborations that...