Varma, Rahat

City syntax: unfolding the urban sphere - Vol.86(8), Aug - Mumbai Indian Institute of Architects 2021 - 73-75p.

Much like language, a city too has syntax- with rules in
place that each citizen or visitor must use to navigate through
the space. With parameters that define land use, networks,
carrying capacity, built and void type in place that mimic
grammar rules aid in understanding the city. Modern cities
are perhaps the most complex human intervention which
in itself has an expanse of investigation. The vigour of a city
includes the stakeholders and their negotiations across the
fabric- be it social or physical. Jane Jacobs poetically puts the
same thought across in her famous quote, “The point of cities
is multiplicity of choice.”
Human beings are navigating through the realm using
different mediums of engagement be it intelligence, power,
technology or nature. The relationship between man and city
goes back in time and undoubtedly has grown and flourished.
The people’s use and access to the city in all aspects are
considered to be their right to the city (Lefebvre, 1968).
The essay outlines the city’s involvement with its people
while examining in retrospect, various parameters that have
influenced the physicality and spatiality of the polis.