Shaijal, Nimisha

Strolling through the old streets in Kashmir - Vol.86(6), June - Mumbai Indian Institute of Architects 2021 - 90-95p.

Nimisha Shaijal graduated with a Bach-
elors in Architecture from College of Engineering,
Trivandrum and Masters in Urban Design from
School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi.
She is the Principal Architect of her collaborative
studio practice in Calicut called Design Ashram
(DAC) and is currently a visiting studio faculty at
Avani Institute of Design, Calicut. At DAC, Nimisha
leads projects in urban regeneration, building res-
toration, and rehabilitation. As a solo traveler, she
has explored many national and international des-
tinations with keen interest in learning its history,
the local people and the cultural values and tries to
communicate her perspective through the images.