George, Glynn

Rethinking design pedagogy through a pandemic understanding the role of educators and learners - Vol.86(5), May - Mumbai Indian Institute of Architects 2021 - 25-30p.

Through these unprecedented times, trust for the system
and a collective approach on all fronts is important to mitigate the
disruptions experienced during this transition. This has been all the
more challenging for design verticals where interactions and ide-
ations in the studio has been the essence of the process for years.
Defining the roles and responsibilities of both, the educators and
learners for assimilative learning in remote education is extreme-
ly important to ensure the efficiency of the process. Instead of a
unilateral approach towards education, the educators can and must
lead in many ways and use their judgements in the best interest of
the learners. Equally important is for learners to step up and en-
gage in the sessions with a deep interest for learning and creating.
The complexity of stay-at-home lives comes with mental,
physical and emotional strain which has to be considered for both
stakeholders– the educators and the learners. As a designer, an em-
pathetic approach is always the way forward and there is no better
space to consciously start cultivating it than through the formative
years of learning.