Jain, Ashish

Comparative analysis of bamboo reinforced and steel reinforced structures - 86(12), Dec - Mumbai Indian Institute of Architects 2021 - 75-82p.

The present power generation consumes the resources rapidly to meet
the demand. This is primarily because we are not able to harness non-
renewable resources. Thus, there is a need to reduce the dependency
on non-renewable resources. Bamboo is gaining popularity as the
alternative to steel reinforcement. Use of bamboo instead of steel
reinforcements affects a few important parameters such as cost which
is considerably important to study to correctly use bamboo and benefit
from its advantages. Comparatively, studying both steel reinforcement
and bamboo reinforcement with the listed parameters, will help in finding
the advantages and disadvantages of individual materials when used
in construction. The paper compares the bamboo reinforced structures
with typical RCC structures with respect to member sizes, compressive
strength and cost which will make it readily available and eco- friendly
bamboo in reinforcement.