Kaki Leela Prasad

Message Passing Using Cryptography and Steganography - Vol.8(1), Jan-Jun - Nagercoil i-manager's 2021 - 8-15p.

main aim of this paper is to make sure that the message which is sent from the sender to the receiver side is not accessed by any intruder. To ensure that the message is reached safely, we are first using cryptography followed by steganography, that is first the message will be encrypted with the help of the proposed encryption algorithm. Later, the encrypted message is hidden in an image (QR code) and this message is sent to the receiver side for decryption. To the best of our knowledge, the techniques discussed in this paper have not been tried out anywhere, at least in the combination we as a team have implemented. The idea is simple: firstly, the message is encrypted using the algorithm we have developed. The encrypted text is of double the length of the original message, and is jumbled. This helps in fooling the intruder further. The encryption is based on a key generated from a password. Two levels of authentication exist: password, and the key generated based on the password, which will enhance the security of the message. Secondly, we hide the message in the QR code. QR code is generated using Python language. We have generated QR code in three different extensions, they are SVG, EPS and PNG. On the receiver's side, the text is extracted from the QR code and is decrypted. Usage of the QR code is comparatively more reliable, and the limit of the encrypted message hidden in the QR Code has been validated. The whole idea was implemented and tested in Linux environment.

Computer Engineering