Chaudhari, Samir

Good the bad and the ugly! - Vol.86(9), Sep - Mumbai The Indian Institute of Architects 2021 - 82-83p.

The above expression unfurls a wide spectrum of
feelings embedded within the professional part of being
human. Human beings are supposed to be "intelligent" and
the attachments with these intellectual assets as we travel
through the dimension of time, cause us to focus our minds
on a particular pattern of thinking - termed as a "profession"
- it becomes the means of survival.
One of these assets, with bipolar extremities found
their way into my life, as I started to evolve from teens into
adulthood. After completing my degree in architecture it
seemed a moment of a great achievement when I cleared
my SSB (Services selection Board) exam in the first go (after
several failed attempts to clear the NDA (National Defence
Academy) exam earlier in the 9th and 10th standards) and
was selected to join up for training at IMA (Indian Military
Academy)- a step towards becoming an Indian Army Officer
through the TGC (Technical Graduates Course).