Saha, Shreyan

Emerging market and research trend in nutraceuti-cals in India: a comparative analysis - Vol.53(3), March - Mumbai Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science 2021 - 14-17p.

Nutraceutical is one of the fastest growing segments. India is forecasted to be one of the countries to expand fastest on the compound
annual growth rate of the nutraceutical segment. The basic understanding of the existing and past trends in the market and research
field will help researchers and market players to strategize their plan of action accordingly. The current literature indicates that there is
a lot of research work done on nutraceuticals in India which can be seen in the form of research publications. The question is whether
research output is useful for commercial use or not. A basic understanding of the industry requirement is important for making better
products in the segment. The aim of the study was to do comparative analyses of market and research trends in nutraceuticals in
the Indian context. The study was done by recording nutraceutical companies’ perspectives and finding out the research trend that
was ongoing in India in the last five years. It was found that the research trend and market trend had some similarities but the main
research focus was different. This study will benefit the existing and new players in the market and also to the researchers to have an
understanding of where the market and research trends stand.