Desai, Anish

Evidence-based marketing with clinical trial data for nutraceuticals - Vol.53(3), March - Mumbai Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science 2021 - 31-34p.

Nutraceuticals industry is following the pharmaceutical industry
in several areas including quality, regulations, labelling and
packaging. The current trend is towards evidence-based marketing
by generating clinical trial data.
Performing clinical trials on finished products presents a clear
differentiation of opportunity. Evidence-based recommendations
require a technical review of the pertinent clinical literature in
which publications are rated according to their level of scientific
There is widespread interest in supplements among many
stakeholders including consumers, industry members and
scientists. Consumer motivations for use of supplements are
broad and usually relate to the perceived belief of efficacy involving
general well-being, aesthetic pursuits, prevention or management
of chronic diseases, longevity, fitness, sports performance, and/or
any combination of such factors.