Mandal, Vivekananda

Critical analysis of covid-19 data from an indian perspective: consolidating what has been learned and what needs more : a pharmacist’s eye view - Vol.53(5-6), May-June - Mumbai Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science 2021 - 17-22p.

Objective: This article makes a sincere effort in consolidating the findings (published in Scopus indexed journals) presented by the
Indian investigators related to COVID-19. A sincere effort to map down the findings and critically analyze them in a holistic way from a
pharmacist’s point of view is the main objective of this article.
Methods: A total of 938 articles related to COVID-19 were published globally in Scopus indexed journals from January to April 5 th
Results: Out of these articles, 20 articles were found to have been published with at least one Indian affiliation. The articles were
grouped into three main categories and critically analyzed. First hand clinical observations formed the main bulk and others were mainly
dedicated towards understanding transmission, treatment and laboratory dynamics associated with the virus. An update on the latest
developments on COVID-19 medication and management has been provided as a must know for every pharmacist.
Conclusions: Such critical analysis aims to present to the readers, the final concentrate of the findings which might help the policy
makers, clinicians, administrators and general public at large to be better equipped for this seemingly long battle.