Leong, Kelvin Ka Hou

Performing in heritage squares: case study of macao - Vol.7(1) - June - New Delhi SAGE 2022 - 63-82p.


Revitalization (adaptive reuse) of heritage buildings is an established trend in Macao. Although various heritage squares in Macao are suitable for conducting performing arts, no well-established regulatory framework has been developed for the best use of such spaces; consequently, it is difficult to carry out performances at heritage buildings, enhance the quality of performance and promote the heritage. This research thus aims to examine the programming process of integrating performing arts with heritage squares. The research has been carried out in 2020, with an objective to frame a programme and administrative polices for heritage and art institutions. Through research, interviews and observation, a mechanism will be formulated, aiming to provide all-round guidelines and instructions to curators and artists for their management in the future. It can be summarized in three main steps: (a) preliminary research, (b) programming considerations and (c) regulatory requirements and administrative processes. In the hope of establishing revitalization guidelines and integrating heritage and performing arts, endless opportunities for heritage conservation of Macao can be further identified.

Performing arts, outdoor performance, heritage revitalization, art-led revitalization