Sangeetha G.

Development of tapentadol hydrochloride loaded proniosomal gel using main effects screening design and in silico verification using parameter sensitivity analysis - Vol.56(1), Jan-Mar - Karnataka Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI) 2022 - 65-76p.

Aim: Tapentadol Hydrochloride is a centrally acting opioid analgesic of biopharmaceutical
classification system class I drug. Oral administration of tapentadol hydrochloride
undergoes extensive first-pass metabolism leads to poor bioavailability. The present study
was aimed to screen the critical material attributes to deliver the tapentadol hydrochloride
through the transdermal route using a carrier proniosomal gel. Methodology: Main effect
screening design has been constructed to screen the choice of surfactant used for the
formulation of tapentadol hydrochloride proniosomal gel. The critical material attributes
selected were surfactant, cholesterol, and soya lecithin, with responses entrapment
efficiency (%), vesicle size (nm), and zeta potential (mV). All 24 runs of experiments were
performed and evaluated to check the model fit. The
in silico verification was analyzed
using parameter sensitivity analysis. Results: The prediction profiler showed maximum
desirability for Kolliphore RH 40 against the set goals. The design diagnostic efficiency
was measured better for the constructed MESD. Also, parameter sensitivity analysis
confirms that the vesicle size would play a principal role in the permeation of tapentadol
hydrochloride proniosomal gel. Conclusion: Hence, Kolliphore RH 40 was considered for
the further optimization process. The tapentadol hydrochloride proniosomal gel would be
a better alternative to oral therapy.