Jiehan, Teoh

Integrating IR4.0 Technology in Engineering Education: Robotic Arm Remote Lab - Vol, 36(1), July - Pune Engineering Education Foundation 2022 - 83-94p

education sector, in general, is constantly trying to integrate the current fourth industrial revolution known as Industry Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0) into its curriculum. In efforts to do that, this capstone project was assigned to a group of students doing their Bachelor's in Engineering to effectively create and design a virtual or remote lab that would further help students everywhere to be more engaged and involved in the learning process. In this regard, this paper introduces the initiative being carried out by the UOW Malaysia KDU University College (UOWMKDU) to implement IR 4.0 in various modules being taught, in terms of projects or assignments. Therefore, a remote lab was created based on the learning outcomes of a subject available in the module. The lab includes a robotic arm manipulated through an established interface developer Blynk, being simultaneously observed through a website built by a student in the School of Engineering, UOWMKDU. The movement of therobotic arm is viewed through the website by incorporating an inexpensive camera chip into the design. Also, this paper discusses the advantages of using those components, in-depth information regarding the components and their usage, and a detailed methodology that could be used as a guideline for future students interested in creating their robotic arm. It highlights the objectives of the lab, procedures, and challenges that were faced during the period of assembling the prototype and how those challenges were overcome to produce a wellfunctioning robotic arm.

Humanities and Applied Sciences