Evwiekpafe, Abraham Eseoghene

Reducing Electricity Thfet using Iot technology - Vo,18(2), June - Hyderabad IUP Publications 20222 - 24-34p

Electric Power consumption theft is one of the main challenges facing utility companies in developing countries like Nigeria. as such ,power companies cannot make adequate profit from the electricity they generate and distribute. The infrastructure needed for effective operations is very costly.The spread of intelligence and connectivity beyond devices to things has created a more noteworthy vision on the internet of things (Io T). Io t has made virtual network between the human and the Physical world easier and has drastically changed the way business works.The paper aims at developing an embedded system that helps in reducing electric meter tempering using the Io T technology.They system has in energy meter (meter box) which communicates through Arduino micro controller unit and fetches the data from energy meter and sends the data through the internet to the server. It also has the radio frequency Identification (RFID) system to identify staff on duty.At the backend, the company staff can see the status of the energy meter and then track the customer committing meter tempering. The implementation of this system will help in reducing electricity theft, thus making the grid meter smart and subsequently leading to a vibrant profitable power sector in Nigeria.

EXTC Engineering