Yogapriya, G.

Role of women architects in modern India - Vol.87(10), Oct - Mumbai Arihant Publications 2022 - 51-55p.

Louise Bethune, considered a pioneer of women architects,
established her own firm in Buffalo, New York, in 1881 and
competed with industry titans such as H.H. Richardson and
Louis Sullivan. By the early 1900s, architecture firms began
to hire women and place them in positions such as drawings,
blueprints, and model design. In the United States, the
proportion of Licensed Women in Architecture is 17 percent
in the year 2020. Since the beginning of time, the percentile
has not been on this path. It took years, if not millennia, to
get there. Only four women have won the Pritzker Prize,
the most prestigious award in architecture, till date. Denise
Scott Brown's rejection of Pritzker, in her follow-up essay
“A place for women”, she brings out the complexities and
contradictions that's been associated with the 'feministic
awareness' among the women professionals. According to
Scott Brown’s “Sexism and the Star System in Architecture”,
the inequality in the profession is felt strongly due to the
deep-rooted patriarchal society that’s been prevailing
around the world.